
Geelong Planning Scheme Amendment
We have been working on raising awareness and contacting Councillors including presenting a petition for a tree preservation law.

Significant Tree Register
Council have planned and costed for the creation of a Significant Tree Register for the City of Greater Geelong. We are campaigning to have this included in the budget.
In the mean time, we have resources and advice for adding a tree to the National Trust Significant Tree Register.

Request a Street Tree
Did you know that you can request a street tree to be planted by City of Greater Geelong? And it’s free!
We are liaising with Council Officers to increase the variety of species available, including species which will tolerate climate change.

Monitoring Planning Applications
A group of dedicated residents are monitoring planning applications and objecting where we feel they unnecessarily remove mature trees.If you would like to be part of the team, please contact us!

State Tree Preservation Law
We have also commenced working at State level for a Victoria-wide urban tree-preservation law.